Barn owls are the most common in England. It doesn't mean you find them in any park, no, it's a protected specie, you have to get breeding certificate, proving you have an aviary ready, that you know all you need to know about breeding if you want to own one. But you will learn even more after all the owner's explanations. Believe me after 2 years we still had questions to ask to experts.
every type of owl has its own type of cuddling
preferences. Some books will say they don't like being cuddled,
but if you get them used to that from birth, they will enjoy it.
Our owl comet having a stroll along the house...... We have an aviary, but we let them free in the house sometimes, they go to such funny places, like on the television, or on a door.
owls in the garden...
You know if you decide to let your owls out in the garden, or even in the kitchen and they are attached, please watch out as their "lead" can be attached to something, like a branch and get stuck. This can be dangerous, even fatal !
Comet, in a room.
As you can see,barn owls can live in peace with the family, they do not attack when not in their aviary, which they consider as their territory. It doesn't mean they always attack there, but you have to be careful of their state of mind (hungry or not hungry )
Jupiter and
saturn, in front of their usual meal.
This is the heartbreaking part of adopting an owl, they don't eat salad as you can imagine, but chicks, generally 2 a day when fully grown. Chicks are not expensive at all, farmers have to kill them just after they hatch. You'll get used to it. Do not forget a barn owl is rare and in exctintion, as a chick is born I don't know how many times a day.