We also own a Tawny owl, a very cute little animal. We had him since he was a few days old. Living creatures have no price, but we paid £80 to get him.
Tawnys make noises with different tonalities.
When he is cuddled, the sound is a little gurgle, he makes it without forcing himself. As I said with the barn owls, they don't really like being stroked or anything like that. But he has to let you touch his feathery tail, his claws and beak. Do not worry, If you had him since born, He will not hurt you when hungry, just munch your finger nicely.
When it's time to eat, the noise is louder, hoarse and concentrates on the food you give him, cuddles will not do anything and it will ignore you totaly.
When past dinner time and he still didn't eat, he will jump on the cage and shout with all he has, You even think he'll lose his voice.
I'll try to give you those noise as soon as I can.
Like barn owls they eat chicks, 2-3 a day when baby, then 2. It has to be cut when not with his mum, until the age of 4months approx, depending on his caracter and how you bred him.
They can fly around the age of 1 month, and walk before that, so when he is hungry and can already walk, make him come to you ! Watch out, if you don't do that, the owl will be used to good life and will become lazy, you will still be cutting the chicks til the age of 2 years ! This IS important.
This is Venus and what he has under his feet are jessies, which you tie to their feet so you get them on a long lead and allow them to fly. Do NOT let them free with them on without supervision, as like barn owls, they can get stuck on a branch, this can be dangerous or fatal. There Venus had just escaped from his jessie fitting, and as usual had a flight around the house. Here's another one :
Venus on a door where is hanging a bed
When they're asleep, barn and tawny owls have different positions, the barn owl stays up, while the tawny can lie down or do like the other one.